I guess I wrote that I had a cough, and somehow it was ' a touch of bronchitis' according to the doctor. ( A week later after antibiotics, it has turned into 'post infectious bronchitis and I am now on an inhaler!). So I was feeling a bit peaked and totally strung out (pun intended) on beading. The perfect opportunity. A few months ago, I purchased a NEW purse pattern - EASY - so it said. Now I have been a sewer since I was a teenager however the last few years I admit to sewing very little. So this looked like a piece of cake and right up my alley.
Wrong. First of all, the gorgeous fabrics that I purchased unravelled - you just breathed on it and more threads would fall all over the place. And the fabric was heavy and thus hard to sew, I was barely able to get it under the stitching foot. Not to mention I had to run out to get iron-on interfacing, hoping to give the fabric some stability and even more hopefully, to stop the damn unravelling.
Well two days of hard labor, and aside from machine sewing, I had added a white brick a brack by hand. Topped off by four tassels and voila - a real piece of work. Of course there was one tiny problem - you can fit a body in that bag!!
It looks exactly like what I had hoped for only 4 times larger. I guess I have no sense of size because it gave the measurements somewhere on the package but I paid no attention to it. And it deceptively appeared to be a nornal size on the front of the package. Who knew. Of course Gail said (after it was finished) 'didn't you read the size on the package"?).
This past week we went to the Jewish Public Library to see our Miniature Doll House. It is now the property of the Library and sits in a place of honor in the children's section where it can be enjoyed by all. We donated it in memory of our parents and I think it is a wonderful legacy. After all the hard work of putting it together and decorating it (to scale) we are so happy that it has found a wonderful home.

I guess our blog wouldn't be complete without mention of Gail's latest bug sighting. It happened early one morning while she was brushing her teeth. As she reached for the glass to take out her toothbrush out came a HUGE red spider. I was still lolling abut in bed and heard voices and was wondering who she was talking to and upon further investigation ( 'who are you talking to in the bathroom?') found her traumatized in the bathroom.
We have been busy at work. We have decided to take apart the gorgeous bead sets and sell the beads individually. This is a benefit to our customers as they will be cheaper to purchase as well as giving you the opportunity to buy your favorite beads without buying the whole set. Of course this means adding over 400 new beads onto the site and to say this is labour intensive is putting it mildly.
Aside from all this, things are realtively normal and we are glad spring is here. Hope you are all enjoying the sunshine and rain.
Love your blog!!! Read all. I think you'll do great with your new business, and I, after buying your Pandi beads and making a bracelet(with your honest and patient help) will most definatley be seeing you soon.
Hope you get more Pandi beads with alot of bling and more hanging ones.
great post!
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