This is a blog about how we came to have an on line store and the trials and tribulations of trying to succeed in business during a recession!

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Ow, My Poor Finger!

Well, its Sunday night, 9:14 p.m. and we are waiting for the water to be turned on so we can take a shower and go to bed! We just came back from a lovely walk in the heat and humidity. Oops, seemed that somebody parked over the hose and did something bad so now we have no water. The city has been fixing the water pipes in front of the house and have hoses all over the place, and its been weeks. Unfortunately there is one huge mother in front of our driveway which we have to run over all the time. We always seem to get stuck and the car emits a horrendous noise, I can just imagine what the bottom of our car looks like. I did have the foresight to go out yesterday and take pictures of the front of the driveway covered in rocks which covers a massive yellow pipe, and a huge blue hose covering our driveway. This way, when the muffler falls off, I will have proof!

We worked very hard today, as we do most days. When you run your own business there are no set hours, but we love it anyways. Had a little accident today – the window screen fell on my little finger. Yes, it hurt. No, Sissy was no help. Yes, she yelled at me and told me I was stupid. (Because I didn’t ask for her help). No, the nail has not fallen off YET! Yes, it is turning a lovely shade of blue. I am just happy it was just the screen and not the window, that it only fell a few inches instead of from two feet up, and it fell on my baby finger instead of my whole hand.

Update on the dress hunt, no luck yet. But I did come across a picture of Sissy in her brown velvet number with the Sateen vest. (Please see previous blog). I am posting it for your comments! Too bad she threw out the vest, otherwise she could have worn it to the upcoming events.

In response to the commentor (yes, I made up the word) of my previous blog – very witty indeed! But the flailing did not occur around the vicinity of the lily lamp. Indeed, the dress was stuck over her head, covering her eyes, but she was closer to the closet than the lamp. So the mystery still remains!

I will add the lamp mystery to the list of weird things that have happened in our new house. I had purchased a lovely perfume bottle a few years ago at an estate sale. There was no perfume remaining in the bottle and it never had a scent. After we moved in I noticed that occasionally, the bottle started smelling perfume. Why now, after a few years, and why only at certain times?

Tomorrow we start working on our Pandora-style bracelets, bangles and necklaces. We received some lovely new beads and we can’t wait to start creating! We will post some of our pieces for all to enjoy shortly. Well I have to go now and continue labelling and packaging our new shipment of beads. With any luck I will be finished by Christmas.

Sissy and I would love to read your comments so don’t be shy! Let us know if you enjoy reading our blog and let us know what is happening with you.


Anonymous said...

I can't believe I am hearing about the brown vest again! I was there at the creation of it!

Love the blog and hearing about your creativity.


BB said...

Yes i luv reading blog since I cannot find une memento (does that mean 1 minute?) to call. Spent all day at RVH yesterday for appt. Have inflammed tendonitis in shoulder - going for physio tomorrow. I'm in hiding as I cannot -repeat CANNOT fit into one article of clothing (pants that is)I am now at my alltime weight....
now I know why fatties (that is me) wear flouncy skirts with elastic waists. That is my present state.
I may have found the perfect 'little black dress for ms. K. to wear to wedding. Wore itmyself once to a wedding. Will never fit into it again. More to tell - will call tomorrow. bonsoir.
